This is a hybrid event, the online participation is free of charge. Register here.

Due to ongoing limitations on the capacity of the room, only a few people will be able to attend.

Aiming to maximize the impact of the legal research, UCILeR intends to adopt a leadership position in the transmission of the knowledge produced in the university to society. For this, the UCILeR will go beyond the walls of the university and academic circuits, exploring other communication channels.

“Mind the Gap: Connecting the dots between legal Research and society” will bring together 3 types of actors: academics, representatives of European institutions and associations/think-tanks. The guest speakers will share their views and expertise on policy-making and impact driven science making. The round-table format will provide freedon for the experts to share experiences with the audience in spirit of colaboration where the participants will be able to connect the dots and think about the way of science and the contribution of Legal Studies to society.

See the full program:

8h15 (WEST) | 9h15 (CEST) Reception

8h30 (WEST) | 9h30 (CEST) Opening Words
José Manuel Aroso Linhares (UCILeR)

8h45 (WEST) | 9h45 (CEST) Panel 1: Science-based policy making
Lorenzo Melchor-Fernandez (Joint Research Centre)
Steven Blockmans (
Centre for European Policy Studies)
Dulce Lopes & Inês Godinho (University of Coimbra Institute of Legal Research)

10h15 (WEST) | 11h15 (CEST) Coffee-break

10h30 (WEST) | 11h30 (CEST) Panel 2: Impact-driven science making
María José Aldanas (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless)
Benjamin van Rooij (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Angelica Marino (
European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation)