The 5th Coimbra-Sevilla Conference on Administrative Law will be held on 17 May 2024, under the theme "The relationship between European law and national administrative law". The scientific coordination of the event is the responsibility of our researcher Suzana Tavares da Silva and Emílio Guichot Reina, from the University of Seville, Clavero Arévalo Institute. This event has the support of Anadia City Council.

Registration here

The event includes a call for papers. The submission deadline is 10 May 2024. Abstracts should be e-mailed to

Rules for submitting papers:

Admissible topics: all those that fall within the topics of the Conference

Formal rules:

abstract (maximum 150 words);

Times New Roman 12 point font, single spaced, notes 10 point font, single spaced;

maximum 10 pages;

abbreviated bibliographical references (name, year, page)

final bibliographic list


Only available in Portuguese