Services Provision


DCT professors and researchers provide consultancy services at the request of external entities or integrated in projects or consortia.

The Department, in addition to the scientific and technical skills of teachers and researchers, has laboratory resources, equipment for in situ tests and mobility capacity for field activities and studies.

Examples of common areas of consultancy are geophysical reconnaissance applied to resource prospecting or archaeological reconnaissance, geochemical analysis of stone materials, soils and water, conditions for exploration and transformation of geological resources, characterization of water bodies and their protection. , the characterization and behavior tests of rocks and other materials, the conservation and enhancement of the geological and cultural heritage, the assessment of impacts and environmental requalification, the suitability of land use applied to spatial planning, the production of legal and regulatory instruments .

Tectonic-sedimentary assessment works are carried out, applied to the potential for exploration of hydrocarbons and gas in the context of on-shore and off-shore

The DCT has responded to requests from, among others, National and Foreign Companies, Sovereignty Bodies, Central and Regional Administration Bodies, Municipalities and Municipal Companies, Courts, Museums, Individuals.

Laboratory Area

  • Planning of Geophysical Prospecting campaigns;
  • Collection, processing and interpretation of geophysical data;
  • Taxonomic determinations and high-resolution biostratigraphic information;
  • Laboratory tests on soils, rocks and aggregates;
  • Chemical analysis of trace elements in different materials (soils, water, rocks, biological material, ores);
  • Mineralometric analysis of pan concentrates;
  • Field surveys and sampling for characterization of contamination;
  • Assessment of radon gas concentrations in the air of buildings (according to Decree Law No. 118/2013 and Ordinance No. 353-A/2013);
  • Assessment of the potential for exposure to radon gas and external radiation on land to be developed or in waste deposits;
  • Evaluation of the emanation potential of radon gas in natural or artificial building materials;
  • Radiological analyzes in thermal or drinking waters in accordance with the provisions of Order No. 4859/2015.

Thematic Training

The Department of Earth Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra develops different thematic training courses.

They may correspond to long courses of specialization, certificates, given in Portugal or abroad, in partnership or not with other institutions. An example of this training is the Specialization Course in Regional Georesources, held in Dili in the academic year 2016/2017, with the support of the Institute of Petroleum and Geology of East Timor.

Short thematic training courses are scheduled annually, responding to the DCT's strategic vision and the interest expressed by different audiences, and may or may not be organized in partnership with external entities. Recent examples of this training are the courses on "Design and supervision of groundwater abstractions" and "Integrated methodology for prospecting, reserve assessment and exploration planning: application to non-metallic mineral resources", carried out in partnership with APG in November 2016 , the course "Advanced Seismic Interpretation Course" held by the Geosciences Center in November 2016, or the Explosives course "Seminar on Explosives and Dismantling Operations" in partnership with AP3E in December 2016.

Field-trip training activities are regularly organized on the sedimentary context associated with hydrocarbon prospecting.

Training courses aimed at teachers of Basic and Secondary Education, often in partnership with the Portuguese Association of Biology and Geology Teachers, are held on a regular basis. An example is the one carried out on March 11, 2017, entitled “Geological Heritage and Geotourism”.