Theoretical-practical and practical course of Diagraphs Applied to Hydrogeology

14 april, 2019≈ 3 min read

May 9 and 10, 2019, LNEG - Alfragide Campus

The course aims to train technicians, linked to the execution of soundings for water prospecting, in the area of ​​programming, execution and interpretation of a campaign of diagraphs in a hydrogeological sounding, knowing how to deal with lithology and with the available material. Physical principles will be taught that govern each of the probes and the respective parameters studied, and the way in which each parameter reacts to each of the most common geological formations. A correct use of the diagrams allows a good estimate of the chemical quality of the native water to be captured, the definition of the abstraction column, the estimation of hydraulic parameters of the aquifers or even the identification of fractures in crystalline rocks and proceed with identifications and lithological correlations between different holes, obtaining higher yields with lower costs. Depending on the probes used, the diagrams can be applied in intubated or open-hole holes. Various electrical and nuclear parameters and parameters acquired from other less conventional probes will be studied, as well as composite diagrams. Likewise, the importance of diagraphies as a gauge of other surface geophysical methods and of geology itself will be shown. At the end of the course, the technician will be able to interpret a varied set of diagrams and optimize the choice of probes and parameters that seem most important according to the budget he has available. Practical examples of the cost-benefit analysis of the study of diagraphs will be shown. The final part of the course consists of the execution of several diagrams by the company Sondagens Casal in the small intubated test hole, which exists in the LNEG facilities.

More information here.