Paleontology in civil works: a real possibility of work

05 april, 2019≈ 2 min read

Fossils are part of the Earth's Natural Heritage and, as such, must be protected. In Spain, inventory, conservation and management practices are developed that go beyond purely scientific activities. The construction of engineering works (tunnels, roads, railways, etc.) can affect potentially fossiliferous geological materials, including those of great scientific value, whose location, extraction, cleaning, restoration and identification proves to be of great importance in the protection of this type. of heritage. The Paleontological Heritage of
Portugal is internationally recognized, so it is foreseeable that the way in which this Heritage is managed in Spain, particularly in the Community of Madrid, will quickly spread to Portugal. Thus, the objective of this seminar is to introduce students from the University of Coimbra to such practices, in particular students enrolled in the course of Paleontology, through theoretical-practical sessions, which aim to provide them with specific skills in the area of ​​Applied Paleontology, that may be useful to them in their future professional paths.

This seminar will take place on the 9th, 10th and 11th of April, in room C514 of the DCT, given by Prof. Maria Canales.

For more information contact Prof. Maria Helena: