New director of the Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory

03 may, 2024≈ 2 min read

The new director of the Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory (OGA) of the University of Coimbra, Ricardo Gafeira, took office on April 29. The OGA board also includes three deputy directors, namely Nuno Peixinho, Pedro Casaleiro and Teresa Barata. The Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory was created in 2013, with the merger of the Astronomical Observatory and the Geophysical Institute, and is an organic sub-unit of FCTUC. Its general mission is the study of the Universe, through the acquisition, preservation, processing, interpretation and dissemination of information at all scales on the knowledge and exploration of the solar system, mainly in its geophysical and astronomical components. It is home to the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA) and the Earth and Space Research Center (CITEUC). Ricardo Gafeira, Nuno Peixinho and Pedro Casaleiro are researchers at DF, while Teresa Barata is at DCT.