/ Students

Useful information

Academic Calendar 2021/2022

Solemn Opening of the Academic Year: 13th October 2021 | Commemoration of the University's Day: 1st March 2022
The classes and assessment periods concerning the academic year 2021/2022 approved by the Rector's Order no. 82/2021, of13th April, amended by the Rector's Order no. 26/2021 of 20th July are the following:
NOTE: Adjustments and changes in this calendar may occur. 
As a result it is important to check regularly this information and be attentive to
the notifications from InforEstudante. 
1st Semester Beginning End
Classes 12.09.2022 17.12.2022
Classes of 1st Curricular Year [2] 05.10.2022 07.10.2022
Suspension of classes | (student festivities Queima das Fitas from the academic year 2020/2021 and Latada from 2021/2022) [3] 17.12.2022 01.01.2023
Christmas Holidays 02.01.2023 03.02.2023
Exams (normal and suplementary periods) 02.01.2022 28.02.2023
Public defences of Master's Degree Dissertations/Projects/Internship Reports [4] 01.03.2023 31.03.2023
Exams (special exam period only for cycles of studies with an odd number of semesters)  
2nd Semester Beginning End
Classes 06.02.2023 21.05.2023
Easter Holidays 03.04.2023 10.04.2023
Suspension of classes (student festivity Queima das Fitas 2021/2022) 22.05.2023 26.05.2023
Exams (normal, suplementary and special examination periods) 05.06.2023 28.07.2023
Public defences of Master's Degree Dissertations/Projects/Internship Reports 05.06.2023 28.07.2023
Summer Holidays  
Public defences of Master's Degree Dissertations/Projects/Internship Reports (special examination period) [5] 01.08.2023 31.08.2023
Extraordinary Examination Periods [6] 01.09.2023 30.09.2023
PhD [7] and Tenure Exams [8] October 2022 March 2023
01.09.2022 31.07.2023

[1] The start date of the academic activities in some Organisational Units, for which this is justified, may be brought forward to 13th September according to the training needs and specificities they may include, namely the medical/clinical training. The possibility of bringing the beginning of classes forward does not apply to the 1st curricular year of Bachelor’s and Integrated Master’s Degree Courses.

[2] The beginning of classes for the 1st year of Bachelor's Degree Courses and Integrated Master's Degree Courses will be on 6th October in accordance with the calendar to be published by the Directorate General for Higher Education (DGES).

[3] The suspension of classes lasts one week and it brings together the student festivities Latada and Queima das Fitas, as long as, at that time, there are individual and collective safety and health-protection conditions of the stakeholders in accordance with the recommendations of the health and government authorities. If, due to the aforementioned reasons, these events cannot be undertaken, the suspension is eliminated and therefore the normal academic activities must proceed.

[4] The Master’s Degree Dissertations/Projects/Internship Reports concerning the academic year 2020/2021, and according to the rules of that academic year, may be submitted until 30th October 2021 with their defence undertaken until 31st December 2021.

[5] The period between 1st and 30th September 2022, deemed as special examination period, is only available for defences of Master's Degree Dissertations/Projects/Internship Reports/Thesis Projects.

[6] The Extraordinary Examination Periods are aimed at the assessment of students who benefit from the Statuses provided for in the academic regulation (RAUC) applicable to this examination period.

[7] The deadline for submitting PhD Theses according to the academic year 2020/2021 is extended until 31st December 2021 concerning the students who are in a position to complete the PhD Degree.

[8] The Rector may authorise exams held outside this period, by means of an adequate justification.

[9] The possible resetting of classes not delivered due to calendar holidays and civil service holidays must be determined by the Professor responsible for the Curricular Unit taking into consideration the specific needs of that Unit and the number of classes.

You can also, by clicking here, view the calendar directly at the source.

Geoscience Students Association

The NG/AAC (Geosciences Association of the Academic Association of Coimbra) founded in 1997, represents all students of the Department of Earth Sciences encompassing the three cycles of studies in Geosciences. In addition to the integration base that this group of students represents, it also functions as a link between the student community and the Department of Earth Sciences as well as with the Academic Association of Coimbra.

Therefore, among its functions, the NG/AAC aims to promote educational, cultural and recreational events for its students. Currently, the NG/AAC represents about 170 students.

DCT Students at the Pedagogical Council



What is the DCT|UC training offer?

You can consult the training offer of the DCT here.

Candidaturas à licenciatura em Geologia (curso de 1.º ciclo)

  • O ingresso na Licenciatura em Geologia do 1.º ciclo do Departamento de Ciências da Terra da Universidade de Coimbra é realizado através das seguintes modalidades, de acordo com a situação atual do candidato:

Admission to the 1st Cycle of Studies

Admission to the Degree in Geology of the 1st cycle of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Coimbra is carried out through the following modalities, according to the current situation of the candidate:

National Contest of Access and Admission to Higher Education (General Contingent);

Applicants over 23 years old (Only for nationals over 23);

Internacional Applicants (For international candidates only);

Admission to the 2nd cycle of studies

Candidates who attended the 1st Cycle at the University of Coimbra will be able to apply for the 2nd cycle by registering online, at inforestud@nte, without having to apply.

Candidates who intend to enter the University of Coimbra for the first time in the 2nd Cycle should consult application information here.

International Applicants can consult the application information here.

Admission to the 3rd cycle of studies.

Application for the PhD in Geology of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Coimbra, requires application, and you can consult information here.

Isolated Curricular Units

The University of Coimbra institutes a regime for the attendance of isolated curricular units, included in the study plans of its courses and study cycles (1st, 2nd, or 3rd cycle) as well as non-degree courses. You can consult more information here.