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IPAC Technical Annex

Accreditation consists of the assessment and recognition of technical competence to carry out specific conformity assessment activities (eg carrying out tests).

Accreditation activity is subject to Community legislation that requires a harmonized operation, verified through a peer review system. The Portuguese Institute for Accreditation (IPAC) is the national body responsible for regulation.

The Technical Annex to the Accreditation Certificate, issued electronically by IPAC, is a document that recognizes the value and distinctive use given to the Accreditation Certificate.

Accreditation with flexible intermediate description allows the laboratory to implement new versions of normative documents, assuming characteristics and competences similar to previous versions in terms of measurement principles, technology (equipment), validation, calibration and quality control, among others.

(Uptaded 9/11/2022)

See the publication of the Technical Annex on the IPAC website here.