/ Research

Hydrogeology Laboratory

Ana M. A. de Castilho Ramos Lopes
Coordinator of the Hydrogeology Laboratory

The Laboratory of Hydrogeology at the University of Coimbra aims to encourage the learning of fundamental theoretical concepts and methodologies for the study of surface and underground waters, their quality, mode of circulation and relationship with the geological environment. At the same time, it serves as a support to the research of the professors of the Department of Earth Sciences.


  • Support for the development of research activities; Presentation of theoretical and practical classes in Hydrogeology, Operational Hydrogeology, Water Resources, Experimentation in Geology and Environmental Geology;
  • Calibration and maintenance of field equipment;
  • Support for dissemination actions developed at the DCT.


  • Laboratory model of hydraulic tests
  • Hach DR/3 Spectrometer
  • Flowmeters with reel SEBA F1
  • HANNA HI 93102 Turbidimeter
  • Conductivimeter WTW Cond 330i
  • Eijkelkamp multiparameter probe
  • Honda motor pump
  • Tensiometer