Online Workshop "Sciences and Technologies for Space – a ground up overview" 13 - 17 September 2021

30 august, 2021≈ 3 min read

"Sciences and Technologies for Space – a ground up overview"

September 13 - 17, 2021

Master's courses in Astrophysics and Planetary Geosciences have, as a general rule, an intrinsically interdisciplinary character. Potential candidates bring diverse backgrounds such as Physics, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Biology,… The dissemination and promotion of these courses must therefore be well planned, in order to reach all interested parties. The information to be made available covers not only the curricula, but also future employment opportunities in research careers and in the business network, in areas related to Space Sciences.

The workshop “Sciences and Technologies for Space – a ground up overview” brings together members of higher education institutions that are partners in the GeopPlaNet-SP strategic project, representatives of technology companies operating in the Space sector, researchers in Space Sciences, high school seniors and higher education students. We seek a root approach to the question of professional paths that present themselves in this area, providing potential candidates for master's courses with information on real cases of problems to be solved at a professional level, whether in research, technology development, mission planning , … The lectures and discussions that make up the workshop will take place in English.

This event is organized by the UC with the collaboration of the UP, as part of the activities of the GeoPlaNet - SP Project 2020-1-FR01-KA203-079773 (

Access is free to any student, teacher, researcher or company employees, upon registration (free of charge).

More information about the workshop, in update, click here

Alexandra Pais (DF-UC)
João Fernandes (DM-UC)
José Pinto da Cunha (DF-UC)
Fernando Lopes (DCT-UC)
Alexandre Correia (DF-UC)
Manuel Silva (DFA-UP)
Teresa Seixas (DFA-UP) Mais sobre este texto de partidaÉ necessário o texto de partida para obter informações de tradução adicionais