/ Education / Masters

Master in Data Science and Engineering


A Data Science Engineer is a professional in the field of computer science/artificial intelligence/computational learning with specific skills to analyse, design and implement advanced services and solutions based on artificial intelligence for the collection, modelling, storage, management and analysis of (massive) data as a relevant resource for data-based decision-making. It is a growing and transversal need in modern societies, covering sectors as diverse as e-commerce, health, transport, energy management and industry. For more information on salaries in Europe, we suggest consulting the "European Data Salary Benchmark 2023" report.

The main aim of the Master's in Data Science and Engineering (MECD) is to provide future engineers with the theoretical knowledge, techniques and advanced skills that will enable them to analyse, design and develop advanced data analysis applications and computational methodologies, as well as design and implement the necessary support infrastructures.

The MECD's central strategy is to provide real-life contexts that bring students into contact with the typical constraints of real-life contexts, highlighting the potential but also the limitations of the different methodologies. In this way, students will be prepared not only to pursue advanced studies at the doctoral level but also to practice their profession, acquiring the ability to design new products and services in support infrastructures and advanced analysis methodologies.

Curriculum Plan

The MECD is a second-cycle degree course lasting two years and organized into four academic semesters, corresponding to 120 ECTS. The course has a curricular structure that includes a common body of 10 subjects (60 ECTS), a set of three open-option curricular units (corresponding to 18 ECTS), and a dissertation/internship (42 ECTS).

The optional courses allow students to acquire knowledge in other areas of interest, namely in applying engineering and data science concepts in specific application areas. The course in Data Science Topics serves as a bridging course for students who need this training. The list of curricular units will be reviewed on an annual basis (to maintain scientific relevance and multiple application areas), and students should choose from the set defined in each edition.

See Curriculum Plan ↗


Finalists' Day 2022-2024

18th July 2024

09h00-16h00: Final Defence of Internship/Dissertation
16:30: MECD Finalists' Ceremony attended by DEI management and coordinators
17h00: Finalists' photo (will be sent to all finalists and displayed at the DEI)
17.10: Snack

Application information


1st phase -> 01/03/2024 to 1/04/2024
2nd phase -> 03/06/2024 to 15/07/2024
3rd phase -> 02/09/2024 to 13/09/2024


1st phase -> 3 vacancies
2nd phase -> 35 places
3rd phase -> 2 + spare places


The MECD runs on a full-time, face-to-face, daytime basis.


UC Students ↗ | Others↗

Additional Information

Course Coordination

Paulo de Carvalho

Paulo Peixoto

Coordination email —> coord-mecd@dei.uc.pt

Alcino Lavrador, General Manager, Altice Labs

Tiago Baptista, Chefe de Inteligência Artificial na Critical Software

Paulo Marques, CTO, Feedzai

Dia dos Finalistas do Mestrado em Engenharia e Ciência de Dados — 2022/23

Dia dos Finalistas do Mestrado em Engenharia e Ciência de Dados — 2021/22