/ Education / Bachelors

Bachelor in Informatics Engineering


The B.Sc. in Informatics Engineering (LEI) of the University of Coimbra has been offering, for more than 30 years, a broad spectrum of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, for generations of highly employable engineers, with activities in the industry, services and education. The B.Sc. covers Computational Intelligence, Information Systems, Computer Networks and Software Engineering, in addition to the fundamentals of Mathematics, Physics, Management and Communication.

Future graduates will be able to deepen their studies in more advanced cycles, such as masters and doctorates, or immediately enter the job market, where they will be able to exercise professions related to the design, development and administration of software and computer systems.

The cycle of studies consists of three years organized in six semesters, with a total of thirty compulsory courses and 180 ECTS. Of these, there are 126 ECTS in curricular units in the IT area, 36 ECTS in​Mathematics, 12 ECTS in Economics, Management and Social Sciences and 6 in Physics.

Course Coordination

Vasco Nuno Sousa Simões Pereira

João Nuno Lopes Barata

COORDINATION EMAIL —> coord-lei@dei.uc.pt

Application Information


Deadlines defined by DGES.
International Student: To be announced
Over 23 years old; Regime of Change of Pair Institution/Course; Holders of medium or high school degree: To be announced


1st phase —> 150 places


LEI operates on full-time or part-time, class-based lectures and daytime basis.


UC student ↗ | Others ↗

Additional Informaiton


The B.Sc. in Informatics Engineering (LEI) seeks to provide its students and future computer engineers a broad spectrum of theoretical knowledge, methods and practical skills that will enable them to continue their studies for more advanced cycles, such as master’s or doctorate.
Students can also proceed directly to professional activities in the computer area in a wide range of domains. Traditionally, the B.Sc. takes into account the recommendations of international organizations such as IEEE/ACM/AIS, as well as aspects considered relevant for the exercise of the profession by the Orders of the Engineers.


In addition to pursuing their studies to get a M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree, graduates in the B.Sc. in Informatics Engineering can easily find job opportunities in the industry, services or public sector. These jobs may include one or more of the following activities:
— Programming.
— Raising system requirements.
— System and program testing.
— Data processing and analysis.
— Computer systems and network operation.
— Network and Computer Systems management.


Learning Objectives and Skills to Develop
Students who complete the B.Sc. in Informatics Engineering will acquire extensive knowledge and skills in Informatics – including Computational Intelligence, Information Systems, Computer Networks and Software Engineering – as well as fundamentals of Mathematics and Physics required for Engineering degrees. They will also acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in Economics, Management and Social Sciences, as well as transversal skills, including teamwork.

Conditions for Admission of Candidates

For national candidates:
Access Exams (Either one of the following sets):
19 Mathematics A or 07 Physics and Chemistry 19 Mathematics A

For international candidates:

The information provided does not exempt the consult the page of the General Directorate of Education Superior (DGES) and/or a Candidates page. See the DGES and Candidates website.

Access to Further Studies

M.Sc. in Informatics Engineering or similar areas. In some cases, students might also have access to Ph.D. programs.

Qualification Requirements

The study cycle consists of three years organized in six semesters, with a total of thirty compulsory curricular units and 180 ECTS. Of these, there are 126 ECTS in course units in the IT area, 36 ECTS in the IT area Mathematics, 12 ECTS in the area of Economics, Management and Social Sciences and 6 in the area of Physics.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Not applicable.

Tuition Price

National or equivalent student: 697€ (annual amount);
International student: 7000€ (annual amount).

Learning/Evaluation Languages


Qualification Legal Framework

The qualification is framed in the Diário da República, 2a. Series No. 194 October 8, 2013; Dispatch no. 12841/2013.