UC Science Week


This is the University of Coimbra's first Non-Degree Programme for pre-university students. For one week, 11th and 12th grade students in the area of Science and Technology have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in an innovative teaching model with the potential to awaken scientific curiosity. The University of Coimbra awards one ECTS credit (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) to students who pass the course. In this way, the University of Coimbra not only empowers, but also recognises and credits the skills acquired during the week of the course.

This course is part of the training offer of the PRR - Impulso Jovens Programme and comes at no cost to students or schools.

General information

  • Course type: Non Degree Course
  • Qualification awarded: Diploma/Certificate
  • Coordenator: Doutora Elsa Teresa Rodrigues (etrodrig@uc.pt)
  • Duration: 1 Week
  • ECTS: 1
  • Objectives: To improve the scientific literacy of school communities in the Centre Region of mainland Portugal, to make the school community aware of the importance of science in improving quality of life and sustainable development, and to promote various activities that stimulate scientific curiosity.
  • Numerus clausus: 40
  • Admission requirements: Secondary school students enrolled in grades 11 and 12 in the Science and Technology course of the selected school group may apply.
  • Operationalisation of the course: The School Group interested in having this course in one of its schools should contact the Coordinator. The School Group selects a school that has an auditorium/amphitheatre with approximately 50 seats and a laboratory available during the week of the course. The school group fills in an Excel file with the full name and email address of each student selected, up to a maximum of 40 students. This file is sent by e-mail to the coordinator. Subsequently, the Academic Management Service of the University of Coimbra notifies each trainee to enrol in the course. At the end of the course, the trainees fill in a satisfaction survey.
  • Diploma: The diploma is obtained by the trainee's attendance at three Lectures (4.5 hours) + 9 hours of Laboratory/Fieldwork, chosen from a varied range presented by the University of Coimbra in each edition of the course, by carrying out an activity in one of the themes defined annually and by completing the survey.