Training course – Practical phytonematology


Plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) are a group of organisms with a high impact on agricultural and forest ecosystems, being responsible for high damages worldwide. Its identification and early detection through morphological, biochemical and/or molecular methods, the development of strategies based on the use of cultural practices, biological agents and natural nematocides, and the study of its distribution is fundamental, not only to prevent its dissemination , but also to define sustainable control strategies.

This course aims to train researchers, students, technicians, managers or other collaborators and professionals, so that they can recognize the need for early detection of NPP and its adequate identification for the implementation of control measures and define the various stages for the evaluation and consequent control of the NPP.

General information

  • Course type: Non Degree Course
  • Scientific area: Agricultural Sciences
  • Qualification awarded: Diploma/Certificate
  • Course coordinator: Doutora Carla Maleita (carla.maleita@uc.pt) | Doutora Ivânia Esteves (iesteves@ci.uc.pt) | Doutor Luís Fonseca (luis.fonseca@uc.pt)
  • Duration: 1 Month (2 weeks of face-to-face classes and 2 weeks of autonomous work)
  • ECTS credits: 6
  • Objectives of the course: Raise awareness of the importance and impact of NPP on ecosystems, in particular the genera Meloidogyne (root gall nematodes), Globodera (cyst nematodes) and Pratylenchus (root lesion nematodes) and the pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus; understand the complex way of life of the main NPP; learn various techniques for sampling and extracting nematodes from soil and plant material samples; identify NPP from soil samples; apply biochemical and molecular techniques commonly used in the identification of NPP; evaluate the main NPP control strategies; know the main extraction methods of phytochemical compounds with nematicidal activity; solve practical situations of NPP detection in agro-forestry systems; know National/European legislation for quarantine NPP.
  • Numerus clausus: 12
  • Admission requirements: Target audience: Researchers, undergraduate and master's students, doctoral students, technicians, managers or other collaborators and professionals with a university degree in the sciences with an interest in Phytonematology, namely Biology, Ecology, Agronomy, Plant Biotechnology and Food Engineering and related areas. The following supporting documents will be requested: Curriculum Vitae and Motivation Letter from the candidate.
  • More information: UC website

Study programme

Practical phytonematology Compulsory Semestrial Agricultural Sciences 6