Training course in Advanced Methods in Aquatic Ecology


This course is intended to be practical where participants learn and apply the latest methods and techniques used in research related to aquatic environments. The contents taught are intended to be transversal to several subareas of research in Aquatic Ecology, both in freshwater, estuarine and marine environments, and can be applied to different biological elements. Techniques are diverse and range from fatty acids and sugars, stable isotopes, methods to assess ecosystem services, predictive models, multiple trait analysis, bioinformatics applied to molecular data and meta-analysis. The course will be practical during the first week, and autonomous work will take place during the second week with a view to developing a project/report. Classes will be taught by PhD researchers who master the various techniques and who regularly use them in their investigations.

General information

  • Course type: Non Degree Course
  • Qualification awarded: Diploma/Certificate
  • Course coordinator: Doutora Maria João Feio (mjf@ci.uc.pt) e Doutora Verónica Ferreira (veronica@ci.uc.pt)
  • Duration: 1 Month
  • ECTS credits: 6
  • Numerus clausus: 20
  • Learning Objectives and Intended Skills: It is intended that students acquire: (i) Instrumental skills, e.g., skills in analysis and synthesis, organization and planning, oral and written communication, use of computer tools in the scope of bibliographic search and meta-analysis, management of information, decision-making ability, problem solving. (ii) Personal and interpersonal skills, e.g., skills in group work and in interdisciplinary teamwork, critical thinking and understanding of specialists’ language. (iii) Systemic skills, e.g., skills in autonomous learning, searching, practical application of theoretical knowledge, planning, self-criticism and self-assessment. It is also intended to promote creativity, care about rigor and quality.
  • Admission requirements: Holders of a bachelor's degree or legal equivalent in Biology, Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Geography, Geology, other Life Sciences. Candidates should check the admission requirements available on this site, in addition to the information provided here.
  • More information: UC website

Study programme


Advanced Methods in Aquatic Ecology

