Forests and Climate Change


“How strong, vital, enduring! how dumbly eloquent! It is, yet says nothing.” writes Walt Whitman about a fine yellow poplar that he encounters and admires. Trees, long-lived and sessile beings, record their memories in the growth rings, revealing years with more, or less adverse conditions. Therefore, trees are witnesses of past and present climatic conditions. On the other hand, forests are considered important carbon sinks, accumulating carbon in the trunk and roots, which can contribute to the mitigation of atmospheric CO2. It is therefore important to understand their photosynthetic capacity (CO2 uptake), the annual growth dynamics of the rings (carbon deposition) and how trees integrate the growth conditions imprinted on the final dimension of the rings.

General information

  • Course type: Non Degree Course
  • Scientific area: Life Sciences

  • Qualification awarded: Diploma/Certificate
  • Coordinator: Professor Cristina Nabais (crnabais@bot.uc.pt)
  • Duration: 1month (2 weeks of classes + 2 weeks of work preparation and assessment)
  • ECTS: 6
  • Objectives of the course: The main objective of the course is to understand the ecophysiological and morphological responses of trees to climate change. During the course, the student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the responses of trees to climate, in the short and long term. Regarding short-term ecophysiological responses, the student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the measurement of photosynthesis parameters, water potential, sap flow and dendrometers. Regarding short-term morphological responses, the student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the development of growth rings (xylogenesis). Regarding long-term morphological responses, the student will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about dendrochronology.
  • Numerus clausus: 12
  • Access and entry requirements: Researchers, master's students, doctoral students, technicians, managers or other collaborators and professionals with higher education in sciences with an interest in Forests, namely in the area of Biology, Forest Engineering, Ecology, Agronomy, and related areas. The following supporting document will be requested: Curriculum Vitae.

Study programme

Forests and Climate Change Compulsory 1 month Life Sciences 6


The first edition of this course is scheduled from June 11th to 21st, 2024.


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