Blue literacy for sustainable development


Increasing Ocean education, training, culture and literacy is one of the goals defined in the National Strategy for the Sea 2021-2030. This document is based on the importance of knowledge in protecting the Ocean and valuing the services of marine ecosystems, as well as recognizing the role of the Ocean as a vector of sustainable development. With this motto, the University of Coimbra created a non-degree course that enables secondary school teachers to be trained in this priority area of ​​intervention.

This course is part of the training offer of the PRR Program – Impulse Adults and has no cost for trainees.

General information

  • Course type: Non Degree Course
  • Qualification awarded: Diploma/Certificate
  • Coordenação do curso: Doutora Elsa Teresa Rodrigues (etrodrig@uc.pt)
  • Duration: 3 saturdays (all day)
  • Number of working hours: 27

  • ECTS: 1
  • Regime: “b-learning” encompassing three formats - distance learning with four Lectures (1.5 hours each), face-to-face environment with two Laboratory Activities (3 hours each) and a Field Trip (6 hours)
  • Crediting: The course is organized to award teachers' continuing education credits for career advancement
  • Registo: CCPFC/ACC-117212/22
  • N° de horas acreditadas: 25
  • Validity of credit: September 19, 2025

  • Trainers: Elsa T Rodrigues (Ciência ID: E911-EE55-EAAB, Acreditação: CCPFC/RFO-41738/22) & Miguel A Pardal (Ciência ID: 7016-2592-DD73, Acreditação: CCPFC/RFO-41715/22)

  • Objectives: Improve scientific literacy related to sea issues, raise awareness of the importance of the Ocean in improving the quality of life and for sustainable development, and promote activities related to teaching sea issues that can be replicated in schools.
  • Numerus clausus: 40
  • Access and entry requirements: Teachers with professional qualifications to perform teaching functions in secondary schools; and other candidates, national or foreign, holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized by the coordination as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies.
  • Operationalization of the course: Submit the expression of interest by sending an email to the course coordinator (pre-registration), which must attach a document proving professional qualification. When the list reaches 40 pre-registered students, the coordination will send a link with several possible dates so that each pre-registered student can choose the course dates that are most favorable to their situation (for this purpose, more than three Saturdays can be selected). The three dates with the highest number of interested parties will be selected as the final dates for the course. The course operates with a minimum of 20 participants. If any pre-registered person cannot participate in the three Saturdays of the course, he/she will not attend that edition of the course and will remain on the list of pre-registered participants for the next edition.

  • Assessment: Through the scale and established assessment parameters and respecting the legal provisions for continuous assessment of teachers.

  • Course diploma: The diploma is obtained with the presence of the trainee in the three days of classes and after the successful completion of a final work.

  • More information: UC website

Study programme

Blue literacy Compulsory Quarterial Natural Sciences 1