Adelaide Maria Morando Costa Age at death estimation in burnt remains: Evaluation of the efficiency of the Falys-Prangle method using a sample from the Colecção de Esqueletos Identificados Século XXI
Alexandre Camelo da Mota Veiga Dolgner Sutural ossicles in the 21st Century Identified Skeletal Collection: analysis of computed tomography scans
Ana Carolina Silva Fernandes The Chemistry of Bone Tissue, Assessment of Bone Quality and Preservation by Spectroscopy
Ana Catarina Oliveira da Silva Morphological variability of the cranial sutures in the 21st Century Identified Skeletal Collection: Comparative analysis between morphoscopy and three-dimensional reconstructions of computed tomography scans
Ana Luzia Pinheiro Ferreira Height Estimation Using Dentition in a Portuguese Population: Comparative Analysis Between the Anatomical, Mathematical and Dental Methods
Ana Raquel Firmino Pereira Anatomical Variants of the Carpal Bones in the Collection of Identified Skeletons of the 21st Century
Ana Teresa Lamas Ribeiro Duarte Vassalo Cribra orbitalia and cribra cranii in the elderly: Comparison between individuals from the “Coleção Trocas Internacionais” (19th-20th centuries) and the 21st Century Identified Skeletal Collection from the University of Coimbra
Ângela Damas Custódio Estimation of age at death in two identified Portuguese skeletal collections: the paradigm of cranial and palatal sutures
Bárbara João Mendes Ribeiro Sex estimation in tarsal and metatarsal bones subjected to thermal-induced changes
Beatriz Mouga dos Santos Costa de Almeida Adult sex estimation using the patella: Analysing the effects of thermally induced changes and of secular trend within the Portuguese population (the 19th/20th and 20th/21st centuries)
Catarina Isabel Jesus Graça Pais Pinto Sex estimation through metric analysis of the ulna and radius in three Portuguese skeletal samples from the 19th to the 21st centuries
Gonçalo Alexandre Leandro Santos Stature evaluation through the sternum in a Portuguese sample
Inês Catarina Gaspar da Silva Estimation of gestational age in human fetuses: a method based on radiographic measurements of the metacarpals
Maria João Diniz Malta do Rosário Path(s) of Forensic Anthropology in Portugal in the Portuguese Medical Bibliography (1945 to 1963)
Maria Morais Laranjo The Importance of bone pathology in Forensic Anthropology: Bone lesions specificity in individuals with cancer and other causes of death from the Coimbra Identified Skeletal Collection
Mariana Henriques das Neves
Evaluation of taphonomic alterations in an osteological sample exhumed from the Convent of Our Lady of Aracoelli
Mariana Sofia Mesquita Pedro Analysis of sexual dimorphism in the proximal humerus using geometric morphometry techniques and radiographs
Sandra Filipa Oliveira Marques Sex Estimation through a metric approach of the fibula and tibia, in three identified Portuguese collections