National Geographic magazine reports recent articles about hundreds of dinofootprints discovered in Espichel

16 august, 2022≈ 2 min read

The Portuguese National Geographic magazine published an article on the stratigraphic and paleontological research that has been carried out in the Cretaceous of Cape Espichel, especially on dinosaur footprints from Form. of Mast Sands. The team is coordinated by Prof. Silvério Figueiredo (IPT; Centro Geociências) in which a Professor from the DCT-FCTUC and a researcher from MARE/ARNET (P.P.Cunha) participates, with the support of Lab. sedimentology. The most recent indexed publications are an article in the Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2021 and two articles in Cretaceous Research, 2022).

Link to the online edition: ​​​​​​