Course: "School on Planetary Geological Mapping and Planetary Analogues"

30 august, 2022≈ 2 min read

The Erasmus+ GeoPlaNet-SP project takes place within a consortium of five European Universities with complementary skills in Physics, Astrophysics and Astronomy (Coimbra and Porto), Planetary Geology (Pescara and Padua) and Geoplanetary Sciences (Nantes), to which associates the company VR2Planets, which develops Virtual Reality applications for teaching and research.

At UC, the departments of Physics, Mathematics and Earth Sciences of FCTUC are involved.

The course "School on Planetary Geological Mapping and Planetary Analogues" is one of the initiatives of the project, and will take place between September 26 and October 8, 2022, in Pescara and Predazzo, Italy. . Master's students from UC may participate in this course, with travel, accommodation and food expenses paid with grants from the GeoPlaNet-SP project.

For more information, consult the project website ( and the UC contacts:

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