Ana Rita Tomé Carreiro Using molecular diet analysis and stable isotopes to unravel the foraging ecology of storm petrels in the North Atlantic Ocean

Diana João Cravo Rodrigues

Teste do efeito da velocidade do canto como sinal agonístico na comunicação acústica da milheirinha

Eduardo de Castro Lobato

Influenciado pela lua: o comportamento alimentar de Procellariforms durante a noite

Fatemeh Zahmatkesh Sampling, mapping and adding value to marine invasive seaweeds of the Iberian Península

Filipa dos Santos Mendes

The impacto f introduced animals na plants on São Tomé seed-dispersal network
Guilherme Sampaio Rodrigues Gonçalves Eucalyptus plantations: can diferente species determine diferente “ecological realities” in streams
Inês Martins de Brito Comsumption of carnivores by wolves: a Worldwide analysis of patterns and drives
Kevin Moull Spatial Representation of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services by Protected Areas in Amazonia
Lishani Nisansala Wijewardene Salinization of freshwater coastal ecosystems: possible impacts on the genetic diversity of zooplankton populations

Mauro Guilherme Pereira Nereu

Testing the effect of netive biodiversity and natural biotic resistence on grape losses
Merijn Moens Ochrobactrum triciti immobilized in Oryza sativa, sodium polyacrylate and alginate as a novel bioremediation tool

Nisansala Wijewardene

Salinization of freshwater coastal ecosystems: possible impacts on the genetic diversity of zooplankton populations

Norah Joahanna Efosa

Nitrogen use efficiency of ryegrass and analysis of functional microbial genes for proteolysis in differently managed arable soils and under future projected rainfall variability

Roberto Filipe Afonso Mendes Foraging ecology of yellow-legged gulls with a marine strategy
Rúben Miguel Rodrigues Mina Bioaccumulation of metals in bats: is there a potential risk?
Sandra Cristina Sousa Simões Ecology and feeding behaviour of Common otter in the lower Mondego river vallery