Ana Catarina da Costa Marado Effects of uranium contamination on male reproductive parameters of the wood mouse Apodemus
Ana Del Arco Ochoa Ecological state of selected urban streams in Coimbra, Portugal
Ana Eduarda Saraiva Pereira Campos Influence of hydrodynamics and sediment grain size in environmental quality of estuarine polyhaline sector
Ana Isabel Soares Faustino Eucalyptusglobulus leaves decomposition in the channel, margins and floodplain of na intermitente stram: autumnal patterns
Antje Chiu Werner Pre-breeding period in Cory’s shearwater: bird quality and foraging behaviour
Antonella Pilla Petrucci Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sites: the Mine of S. Domingos As a case study
António Miguel Proença Ferreira Gestão de um Cercado de Reprodução de Coelho-Bravo (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Augusta da Conceição de Jesus Duarte Variação temporal da comunidade macrobentónica subtidal do sector polihalino do braço Sul do estuário do Mondego
Dimitri Vilhena Barroso Spatial and temporal variability in benthic trophic web in the Mondego estuary
Dinis Gonçalo Carvalho Maurício Decomposição foliar microbiana no canal húmido, margens e planície de inundação de um ribeiro intermitente de eucaliptal
Ivo Jael Lourenço Palhas Caracterização dos locais de reprodução de anfíbios nas dunas de Quiaios e Cantanhede (Sitio Natura 2000 Dunas de Mira, Gândara e Gafanhas
João Luís Novaes Vaz Bioavailability and Toxicity of Metals to Plants: Influence of ageing and the type of contamination matrix
João Nuno Reis Franco Population Dynamics of Corbicula flumínea (Müller, 1774) in The Mesohaline and Oligohaline Areas of the Mondego Estuary: Spatial Intrusion and Ecological Response
João V. Garcia Geronasso The assessment of feeding inhibition in Folsomia candida (Collembola) as na endpoint for Ecotoxicological waste Characterization
Ling Ee NG Does climate change alter pesticide risks in soil? A case study on erratic climatic events on the risk of pyrimethanil to soil microbial communities
Luís Fernando Gomes Moreira Light and shadow effect on leaf microbial decomposition and invertebate feeding behavior
Luís Filipe Pinho Rocha Gestão de Habitats para populações de Cervideos: Uso de Pastagens por veado (Cervus elaptus)
Mário Rui Cordeiro Marques Agostinho Organic matter decomposition in rivers: assessment of impairment due to pollution using a short-term test based on amphipods postexposure feeding
Marjetka Semrl Evaluating the impacts of human presence on mother-pup communication in the Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki ( Sivertsen 1953)
Pedro Coutinho de Carvalho Amorim Dieta e Ecologia alimentar de Garajau-rosado (Sistema dougallii) no oceano Índico
Susana Marília da Silva Santos Comparison of the micribial community in shorebirds and its relation with microbial community of theirs habitat