Instructions for the oral presentations

One of the biggest challenges of the conferences is to "stay on time". Please prepare your oral presentations taking into account the time you have avalable.

Keynote speakers will have 18 minutes + 2 minutes for questions.

Regular oral presentations will have 10 minutes + 2 minutes for questions

Prepare your powerpoint in 16:9 format.

IMPORTANT: please send the file of your presentation the day before your presentation to: crnabais@bot.uc.pt. Identify your file in the following way: number of the presentation_author name (the number of the presentation is the number with the column "order" in the conference program).

Instructions for the poster presentations

It is also a challenge to communicate your work using a poster. Maybe you find some interesitng hints to make your poster in this blog: How to design an award-winning conference poster | Impact of Social Sciences (lse.ac.uk)

Poster layout and size: portrait and A0 (841x1189mm)

IMPORTANT: due to space limits we have a restricted number of posters per day. Check in the conference program which day you have to present your poster, and also the number of your poster.


If you want to print the poster in Coimbra, you can do it in the print centre of the Faculty Architecture. You can send your poster (PDF file) to the following email: nozzle@sapo.pt

For a regular printing paper (Coated 100grs) the price is 13 euros.

In the email inform the printing size and when you will pick up the poster. When you arrive to Coimbra we will indicate where you can pick up the poster.