
ISCHP Topics

The ISCHP 24 Conference aims to share the latest research developments under the scope of using hardwoods regarding specific topics that should be considered as thematic areas, namely:

Species, properties and quality

  • Forest, stock, wood procurement;
  • Hardwoods (temperate, tropical);
  • Bamboo and Palm wood;


  • Drying;
  • Strength and appearance grading;
  • Moulding;
  • Panels;
  • Fibers;
  • Modification;
  • Gluing;
  • Extraction of chemicals from hardwood processing;

Structural applications

  • Heritage structures;
  • Road and Hydraulic works (bridges, lock gates, etc);
  • New structures;
  • Connections;
  • Standardisation;

Non-structural applications

  • Architecture with hardwoods;
  • Biobased materials;
  • Windows, doors and facades;
  • Life Cicle Analysis;
  • Markets, certification, forestry management and policies;

More information will be available as soon as possible...