Dates & Fees

Important dates

The participants at the ISCHP 24 should be in mind of the following timetable:

Abstract submission 16-02-2024
Acceptance notification 29-03-2024
Full paper submission 31-05-2024
Acceptance of paper notification 21-06-2024
Final paper notification 19-07-2024
Last day for early bird registation 19-07-2024
Last day for registration 16-09-2024
Conference 30-09 to 02-10-2024

Conference fees

All prices are in Euros, also all payments have to be provided in Euros currency.

Early Bird Registration

Regular Registration
Regular participant 460.00€ 600.00€
Student (BSc, MSc and PhD) 220.00€ 300.00€

The regular registration fee includes the Conference Proceedings, attendance to all the scientific sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception, conference dinner and the thecnical tour.

The early bird registration fee applies to participants who complete the registration and pay the fee no later than July, 19th, 2024. For regular registration the deadline for registration and payment is set September, 16th, 2024.

Students may provide proof of status for the academic year of 2023/2024.


  • The registration of participation is binding.
  • If you have to cancel the registration, you get 80% back until 30 days before the start of the event.
    In all other cases, the financial responsabilities of the participants remain fully effective.
  • The participation fees are required to be paid until July, 19th (Early bird), or September, 16th 2024 (Regular registration). Professionals and accompanying persons should keep the same dates as Standard registration participants.
  • Participation is not guaranteed until full payment of the registration fee is received.
  • The conference program may be subject to changes.
  • Payments will be refunded if the conference will be canceled by the organizer. In that case, the organizer will have no further liability to the client. Registrations remain valid if the conference has to be postponed.

Account informations

To complete the registration you should proceed with the payment (after receiving the email with the invoice):

  • Account IBAN: PT50 0035 0623 0000 0001 9031 0
  • Account Name: ACIV - Associação para o desenvolvimento da Engenharia Civil
  • Bank Address: Rua do Brasil, 307, 3030-243 Coimbra, Portugal

Please provide in the payment the name of the participant, invoice ID and the reference to ISCHP24.