Abstract & Paper Submission

The submission of abstracts for ISCHP 2024 Conference is now open!

Preparing an abstract for the ISCHP 2024

Received abstracts will be selected for either oral or poster presentation.

All papers and posters will be peer-reviewed by the ISCHP international scientific committee and will be published in the conference proceedings as peer-reviewed articles.

Download the abstract guidelines

Download the abstract guidelines

Special Issue - European Journal of Wood and Wood Products

On behalf of both the organization and scientific committee, we are happy to inform you that we have the possibility of publishing a special issue of the European Journal of Wood and Wood Products (EJWWP), a Springer Nature publication.


Selected papers will be reviewed according to the normal peer-review process of the journal. The journal has instructions for authors that can be found on the same website, you may use these when uploading your paper to the ISCHP Conference.

Further details will be provided soon.