Video and image contest "Why I Want to Be an Engineer/ Inventor/ Scientist..."

The image and video contest "Why I want to be an Engineer/Inventor/ Scientist..." is aimed at higher education students of the various study cycles of the University of Coimbra, intending to raise awareness for the integration of girls and women in STEAM areas, deconstructing gender stereotypes, and stimulating their creativity, thus contributing to changes in social, economic and cultural contexts.

This contest is organized in six phases:

Videos and images in competition

A | Because I wanted to be, because I wasn't, because I might be.... | Honorable mention

B | Because I Want to Be an Engineer/ Inventor/ Scientist... | 1st Place

C | Tenacity | Honorable mention

D | Because I still want to be a scientist.... | Honorable mention

E | Exploring Frontiers: The Inspiring Journey of a Future Engineer | Honorable mention

F | What can I be ...? | 2nd Place

G | We're almost there | 3rd Place


Ana Santos Carvalho
Researcher and Science Communicator
Cirenia Arias Baldrich
Scientist, Illustrator and Bioinformatician
Inês Amaral
Teacher, Researcher and Communicator
Mário Montenegro
Teacher, Researcher, Marionet's Artistic Director and Playwright
Nuno Coelho
Teacher, Communication Designer, Artist and Curator



Target groups: Female students in higher education.

Objectives: To raise awareness about the integration of girls and women in STEAM areas and the deconstruction of gender stereotypes, as well as to stimulate creativity and inform about the possibilities associated with STEAM courses, namely in terms of their contribution to achieving changes in social, economic and cultural contexts.

Main activity: Video and image contest "Why I Want to Be an Engineer/ Inventor/ Scientist..."

Team: Ana Santos Carvalho (coordination), Cláudia Cavadas​ and Irina Moreira​.