Pre-professional immersive experience in STEAM

Internship Information:

Internship dates: April to June 2023

Length of internships: 40 to 100 hours

Regimen of the internships: Presencial*.

*Exceptionally, there may be activities that, by their nature and in articulation between the student and the company, occur in remote virtual regime.

Number of Vacancies: 20

Participating companies*:

Accenture | Coimbra, Braga, Lisboa, Porto | Area: Engineering and Technology | 2 vacancies

Ophiomics | Lisboa | Area: Biotechnologies, Bioinformatics, Medicine, Computer Technologies and Engineering | 2 vacancies

PLAKO | Braga | Area: Engineering and Sciences (Biology, Life Sciences Department, Environmental Engineering) | 2 vacancies

Prirev - Surface Technology S.A | Vagos – Aveiro | 4 vacancies

Siemens| Lisboa | Area: Engineering (preferably), Technologies, Mathematics | 1 vacancie

The Loop | Coimbra | Area: Technologies and Engineering Physics, Electronics and Informatics | 3 vacancies

SIRMAF | Coimbra
Spotlite | Coimbra

TJ Moldes | Marinha Grande | Field: Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering (preferably) | 2 vacancies

*In addition to the companies listed above, interested parties may, alternatively, submit a self-proposal. You should, for this purpose, contact a company of your interest/preference in order to request the realization of the activity.

Financial support:

The Equal.STEAM will provide support to the participants, in order to support expenses related to travel and food, up to a maximum limit of € 300 per participant.


The participating students will be entitled to a certificate of participation.


To ask questions and request clarification, send email to

Beneficiaries: Female students attending courses at UC in the STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths).

Objective: To promote STEAM observation and experimentation opportunities in a labour context, through the presence of female students in companies, during a very short period.

Main activities: During this immersive experience, the student will have the opportunity to experience and observe inside the daily life of an organisation, in order to perceive in a practical way the activities carried out by professionals with similar training profiles to her, but traditionally performed mostly by men.

Team responsible for and monitoring the activity at the UC: Cristina Albuquerque (coordination); Sandra Carvalho, Irina Moreira and Paula Alexandra Silva; NUPE: Cecília Machado, José Miguel Nunes and Hugo Lima.