Workshop: From Managing to Experiencing Time.

"I didn't have time." - The phrase most often said when we don't get the success we thought we would in what we do. However, where there is a reason, there is time. In this workshop we will explore how to find the reasons that drive us to experience time differently and be driven by questions. Is it possible to multitask? What is the relationship between productivity and time? Is there only the experience of time that we can manage? Or is it possible to "generate" time?

April 19, 2023 at 4pm

Department of Mechanical Eng.


16h00 | Opening Remarks

16:05 | Why "we have no time"?

  • From Time 1.0 A.R to Time 2.0 D.R to Time 3.0 P.R.
  • Exercises in time-generated, -generated, and -profound
  • The first and last minute experience
  • Dialogue

18h00 | Presentation of the DEM@UC Mentoring Program and Coffee-Break


Miguel Oliveira Panão

He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra. His research areas include Heat Transfer, Theory of Construction, Information Physics, Two-Phase Flows, Application of Laser Techniques to the study of fluid mechanics and Philosophy of Science. He is the author of 50 articles published in peer-reviewed journals; two co-edited books on Ethics, including Environmental Ethics; created the KeepUp tool for organizing study time and, through several workshops for university students, has offered a perspective on the experience of time that goes beyond its management.