Okay, now what do I do?

A workshop on career paths in ICT and STEAM

The Workshop "Ok, now what do I do?", is an Equal.STEAM workshop organized in collaboration with INSPIRA that aims to make known the paths that different people have taken and are taking in the ICT and STEAM fields. We invite all interested people, regardless of sex, gender, position or age, to attend and participate in a panel where paths inside and outside the academy will be discussed.

Go for a consultancy, join a start-up, go for a master's degree, write a PhD thesis... With such a wide range of career options, where all options can be equally attractive, it is not always easy to decide what is the next step. So, in front of the panel's guests, participants will have the opportunity to listen to various academic and career paths, ask questions, understand and unblock fears, and clear up doubts about the path to follow... at least for now...

The panel will be in Portuguese.

3:30pm | Opening

3:40pm | Panel "Experiences and career paths in ICT and STEAM"

Moderation: Paula Alexandra Silva

  • Angela Laspriella gained an interest in the digital world from an early age. At 15, she was already having fun creating montages in Photoshop and when she arrived in Portugal from Venezuela, she had the opportunity to explore her artistic side and decided to study arts in high school. It was then that she was recommended the Design and Multimedia course in Coimbra, where she could continue to explore her artistic side and her interest in digital art. It seems that it was the right choice, she learned to program, something that had always interested her since she was a little girl, and discovered Product Design, which has been her current career path for almost 2 years.

  • Teresa Salazar took her BSc in Computer Engineering at the University of Coimbra in 2018 and her MSc at the University of Edinburgh in 2019 in Computer Science with a focus on Machine Learning. Subsequently, she worked as a Data Scientist at Talkdesk where she worked with Natural Language Processing technologies. Since 2020, Teresa has been part of the PhD program in Computer Engineering, where she focuses on developing Fairness methodologies in Machine Learning, investigating ways to make algorithms fairer for all population groups.

  • Inês Roseiro completed her BSc in Computer Engineering in 2019, and her MSc in Intelligent Systems in 2021, both at the University of Coimbra. Soon after completing her Master's, she joined Deloitte as a Consultant, having worked on several data migration initiatives with Canadian companies. In addition, in her free time she continues to explore her Master Thesis topic, named "An Interpretable Analysis of Inflammation Biomarkers to Improve Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation", given her belief in the winning combination of Engineering and Medicine. She is a volunteer in the National Scout Corps, dedicating herself at the moment to children between 10 and 14 years old, and is a strong defender of themes such as Gender Equality and the defense of Animal Rights.

  • Beatriz Geirinhas is Product Designer at doDOC, having concluded both her bachelor's and master's degrees at the University of Coimbra. He started as Web & Graphic Designer, moved to Frontend Developer and currently works as Product Designer. These years of experience have given him a broad view of the opportunities that the course opened up for him, allowing him to experience different areas. Consequently, these areas allowed him to develop diverse skills, enriching his professional trajectory.

As moderator of the panel we have Professor Paula Alexandra Silva, coordinator of our INSPIRA Program at the Department of Computer Engineering of the University of Coimbra!

4:40pm | Q&A and open discussion among panelists and guests

5:30pm | Closing and coffee-break