The workshop Inclusive and stereotype-free communication in science aims to discuss the importance of using inclusive language and stereotype-free communication strategies in science. Inserted in the University of Coimbra's project Equal.STEAM, it is important to ensure that students from various backgrounds are represented in marketing materials and websites, respecting the need for an intersectional approach in the management and dissemination of information aimed at them.

The workshop is aimed at teachers and researchers from various scientific areas (not only STEAM), communication, media and related fields, as well as students and the general public interested in these issues.


Workshop 1 |June 22, 10h00-13h00

Workshop 2 |June 22, 14h30-17h30

Workshop 3 |July 14, 10h00-13h00

Workshop 4 |14 July, 14h30-17h30

Location: iiiUC, Casa Costa Alemão, Polo 2, Room 1

Nº of places: 25/per workshop

Free entry, but subject to registration.


10h00 | 14h30 | Principles of inclusive language and conceptual reflections

11h15 | 15h45 | Coffee Break

11h30 | 16h00 | Practical examples of communication in several formats, according to the target audiences

13h00 | 17h30 | Closing

Entity responsible for the workshop: UMAR - União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta