On July 21st, 3pm, at the Student Hub, there will be a Final of the video and image contest "Why I want to be an engineer/inventor/scientist...".

The contestants will defend their images and videos before a jury composed of researchers from various scientific areas. The image and video contest "Why I want to be an engineer/ inventor/scientist..." is aimed at higher education students of the various study cycles of the University of Coimbra, intending to raise awareness for the integration of girls and women in STEAM areas, deconstructing gender stereotypes, and stimulating their creativity, thus contributing to changes in social, economic and cultural contexts.

Creativity, originality, and fit with the project's objectives are the criteria for choosing the best image/video.

The prizes are one more reason to challenge the participants to give their best. This final is open to the entire UC community.

All information at https://ucpages.uc.pt/en/equal.steam/video-and-image-contest-why-i-want-to-be-an-engineer-inventor-scientist/