CNCG Demo Course

22 horas
Blended learning
Language(s) of instruction
Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência

Next edition

Registration period

18/07/2024 a 18/07/2024

Course duration

18/07/2024 a 18/07/2024


A formação visa conferir competências para a reconstrução de mudanças ambientais que podem ser atribuídas a ações antrópicas e dimensionar essas transformações considerando tendências de transformação naturais. Envolverá:

(1) a seleção de locais e dispositivos adequados para amostrar os registros sedimentares; 

(2) a escolha e aplicação de marcadores de mudanças ambientais mais ajustados aos vários registos e problemas em análise; 

(3) a vinculação de características ambientais com aspetos composicionais de sedimentos coevos; 

(4) o reconhecimento de caraterísticas composicionais associadas a ações do Homem.

Compreenderá sessões preliminares focadas em mudanças ambientais conhecidas, exercícios de campo com amostragem de material sedimentar, trabalho laboratorial para tratamento de amostras e medição de propriedades dos sedimentos e uma sessão final para interpretar as proxies das mudanças ambientais.

Funcionamento - 9:00 - 18:00:

21 e 22 de junho - sessões online

23 junho - trabalho de campo

10 de julho – avaliação

O curso também oferecerá 2 palestras online gratuitas (a anunciar em breve os oradores, a data e o título da comunicação).


  1. Update theoretical skills and epistemological knowledge in the field of History and related Social Sciences.
  2. Deepen essential didactic/learning contents of History.
  3. To promote scientific updating in the field of History.
  4. Conceive and guide projects in History didactics.
  5. Reflect on the place of History in current education and its relationship with society.

Skills to develop

At the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Articulate the syllabus with new practices conducive to the development of historical and citizenship skills.
  2. Establish a link between the concepts of local and regional history and heritage.
  3. Deepen knowledge of local history relating them to toponymy, literary excerpts, and heritage manifestations.
  4. Plan learning experiences to be developed by teachers in their classes.
  5. Produce useful teaching materials for teaching practice, promoting innovation, creativity and sharing.
  6. Stimulate the articulation between scientific research and innovation in the teaching of History.
  7. Contribute to updating and deepening the scientific-pedagogical knowledge of teachers on regional history.
  8. Know and evaluate the latest research and publications on local history.
  9. To make known primary sources, updated bibliography and resources that can be used in class.
  10. Know some institutions dedicated to the promotion of regional history.
  11. Share experiences and exchange opinions about the pedagogical activity exploring the potential of regional history.
  12. Select some activities to be applied to students, in the context of the classroom or outside the classroom, based on research in local history and historical cognition

Access conditions

  1. History teachers in office
  2. Order of registration
Under Regulation No 1126/2022 for the Attribution of Incentives for the Training of Young People and Adults, published in the DR of November 21, 2022:
  • Any financial benefits that may be granted under the PRR are conditional on candidates holding a Portuguese NIF and residing in Portugal, at the time of the course;
  • Trainees who wish to repeat training for which they have not been approved and for which they have already benefited from a scholarship are not eligible for a scholarship;
  • Trainees who register in a course or initiative financed by PRR-LFA (Investments RE-C06.i03.03 – Adult Incentive and RE-C06.i04.01 – Impulso Jovens STEAM, opened by Notice 01/PRR/2021), accept that they were aware of the total/partial discount on the price defined for the course, initiative and/or attendance expenses and authorize that it be granted if its attribution is decided under the regulations in force.

Methodology (organization and functioning of the course)

This training action will be organized in the form of a training course, with theoretical sessions, conference mode, complemented with practical application.
The theoretical component is organized in plenary conferences followed by debate.
The theoretical-practical component is organized in field work, with visits and interactions with training resources (documents) that can be used in a school context.

Predominant scientific area

Ciências do ambiente

Languages of learning/evaluation


Study plan

1 Ferramentas para ler arquivos sedimentares costeiros de história recente

Compreender como aplicar ferramentas para o reconhecimento de intervenções humanas passadas em registos sedimentares costeiros; desenvolver competências de análise e comunicação na área das ciências ambientais.


Education Institutes

University of Coimbra

Organic unit(s)


Centro(s) de investigação

Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente (MARE)