/ Researchers / PhD Students

Patrícia João

PhD Student

Academic Degrees

Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology - 2019 University of Wales Trinity Saint David

International Master Erasmus Mundus in Quaternary and Prehistory (IMQP)/ Prehistoric Archaeology and Rock Art - 2021 Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Portugal

Main Fields

Anthropology, Archaic Religion, Shamanism, Social Cohesion, Societal Behaivour, Archaeology


My particular research interests lie in the customs and practices of shamanism in past and present societies. This approach incorporates topics of archaic religion, archaeology, resource management and societal behaviour. I have ethnographic field experience gathering anthropological data on customs, ritual and cultural heritage in Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe and hope to carry out further research in Mongolia as part of my PhD. I have recently identified two, formerly unknown, rock art sites in Shropshire, England (now verified and formally added to the regional Historic Environment Record database), both sites are associated with ritual/sacred activity, about which I am in the process of writing two short articles for a local archaeological journal. I have so far written two book reviews for Current World Archaeology Magazine which were published in 2019. I also plan to publish a part of my Master’s Thesis which discusses ‘Barclodiad Y Gawres’ in Wales, because it presents new analysis and interpretation of the prehistoric animal residues of a shamanic ‘stew’ found in the hearth of a burial chamber