/ Researchers / Integrated

Pedro Santarém

Integrated Researcher

Academic Degrees

Degree in Geological Engineering - 1990 University of Coimbra

Master’s in Engineering Geology - 1995 NOVA University Lisbon

PhD in Geological Engineering - 2005 University of Coimbra

Main Fields

Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics, Slope Stability, Risks


Lecturer at the Department of Earth Sciences (DCT) of the University of Coimbra since 1993; Assistant Professor at the DCT from 2005 to the present.

Degree in Geological Engineering - University of Coimbra. Master’s Degree in Engineering Geology - Nova University Lisbon. PhD in Geological Engineering - University of Coimbra in 2005.

Director of the Geotechnics Laboratory of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Coimbra (2005-2007).

Coordinator of the Master's in Geological and Mining Engineering (DCT) from 2019 to the present.

Geological Engineer at the company Planiflora, 1991 - 1992.

Effective member, since 1991 of the College of Geological and Mining Engineering of the Order of Engineers.

Vowel position of the Regional College of Geological and Mining Engineering of the Order of Engineers - Central Zone, between 2019 and 2022.

He has published 27 articles in specialized journals and 25 papers in event proceedings; he has published 30 book chapters and edited 2 books. Participated in the organization of 2 international events in the field of Geological Engineering. He has supervised and co-supervised 40 completed master's theses. He has carried out various geotechnical characterization projects requested by civil engineering companies and public institutions.