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UC Initiatives

What is Researched at UC?

Researching at the UC is a cycle of exhibitions that presents to the community in general the projects and research areas developed in the Research and Development Units of the University of Coimbra.

This exhibition cycle is composed of seven exhibitions that take place monthly, between April and November, in the CoimbraShopping shopping center. This initiative arises from the partnership between the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (iiiUC) and CoimbraShopping, with the objective of bringing the University and the general public closer together. Each exhibition brings together two research centers from different areas in a single exhibition.

The third exhibition took place from June 3 to 12, 2022 and featured the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC) e com Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (CEIS20), which presented their most outstanding projects, and with greater relevance to society.

#3| What is Researched at the UC? | CNC e CEIS20

Special project Pedagogical Innovation at UC

Created in 2020, the Special Learning and Pedagogical Innovation Project at UC (UC-AIPED) promotes a set of initiatives and strategies that lead to improved learning and pedagogical innovation.

Aimed at students of all cycles, teachers as well as society entities, AIPED is at the service of the entire community.

Learning and Pedagogical Innovation?

Support for the Promotion of Scientific Culture

The “Promotion of Scientific Culture” Initiative financially supports up to 10 activities/initiatives that promote dialogue between science and culture and disseminate the knowledge produced at the UC among audiences that are not strictly academic/scientific. In this edition, the maximum amount of support per project/initiative has risen to €1500. Interdisciplinary and original activities promoted by teams of researchers belonging to at least two Research and Development (R&D) Units of the UC Group in different scientific areas are eligible. The team must include doctoral students from the University of Coimbra and follow the principles explained in the UC Plan for Equality, Equity and Diversity 2019-2023, particularly with regard to gender equity and diversity.

2024 2022 2021 2020

CEIS20 ‘Fora de Portas’

Directed for schools and formal and non-formal educational contexts (senior citizens' universities, civic, leisure and cultural associations, prisons, etc.), CEIS20 “Fora de Porta” aims to promote the dissemination of the knowledge produced at the Centre in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts, among others, through the sharing the work of its researchers. It also aims to stimulate critical debates on the major challenges facing contemporary societies.
As part of the Centre's four interdisciplinary lines, the outreach activities developed at CEIS20 aims to commit our R&D Unit to the promotion and democratisation of knowledge, greater proximity to the surrounding communities, quality education, gender equality and the reduction of asymmetries, in order to build a fairer, more inclusive and more reflective society.

Consult the official website