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CEIS20 Researchers Take Part In European Initiatives

European Researcher’s Night

One of the objectives of the project and the planned initiatives is to raise awareness among young people about the relevance of research and innovation in Europe with a view to a more sustainable and inclusive future, but also about the fact that scientific careers can be decisive in finding solutions that minimize problems. of society. However, the main objective of the consortium is to give the communities a say and bring researchers and science closer to civil society. The idea is not just passive and unidirectional awareness raising, but rather to create opportunities to share concerns and expectations about how science should contribute to finding solutions to mitigate the consequences of climate change and promote sustainable development.

2022/2023 2021 2020

Soapbox Science: Women researchers

One of the objectives of the project and the planned initiatives is to raise awareness among young people about the relevance of research and innovation in Europe with a view to a more sustainable and inclusive future, but also about the fact that scientific careers can be decisive in finding solutions that minimize problems. of society. However, the main objective of the consortium is to give the communities a say and bring researchers and science closer to civil society. The idea is not just passive and unidirectional awareness raising, but rather to create opportunities to share concerns and expectations about how science should contribute to finding solutions to mitigate the consequences of climate change and promote sustainable development.

What is Soapbox Science?