20 October | 14:30 | Online

The fourth session of the 2nd edition of the Seminar Memory, Trauma and Narratives of the Self, which includes CEIS20 researcher Edmundo Balsemão Pires in its organisation and scientific committee, will focus on the topic “Sacred trauma and social mediations”.

The session will be addressed by Francesco Callegaro (Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires| EHESS · LIER), who will present the paper “El retorno de lo Sagrado. Georges Bataille y la Escuela Francesa de Sociología”, and Tomás Ramos Mejía (Universidad de Salamanca – Department of History of Law and Philosophy of Law, Morals and Politics), who will present the paper “Georges Bataille y el Problema de la Soberanía. De la rigidez agresiva al gobierno de lo heterogéneo”.

Admission is free, subject to registration.

For more information, see the event website.

Further information: seminario_mtn@fl.uc.pt.