José Bértolo | 17 February | 14:00 | Seminar Room CEIS20

Ver como quem lê, uma abordagem à análise fílmica (Seeing like reading, an approach to film analysis) is the first thematic lecture to be given by José Bértolo as part of the Contemporary Studies Open Seminars cycle, a series of lectures and training workshops to be held throughout this semester. The cycle is organised by the PhD in Contemporary Studies. It is particularly aimed at CEIS20 doctoral students, but is open to the whole community.

José Bértolo is a researcher at the Institute for the Study of Literature and Tradition at the FCSH-UNL and has carried out research in the field of film studies. He was awarded the CEIS20 prize for best monograph by AIM - Association of Moving Image Researchers.

The conference will take place on 17 February at 14:00 in the CEI20 Seminar Room, and will be streamed online.