17 February | 14:30 | Online

The second session of the Advanced Studies Seminar Series, with the scientific coordination, among other researchers, of CEIS20 researchers Edmundo Balsemão Pires and Joana Ricarte, will take place on February 17th 2023 at 15h30 CET (14:30 Lisbon time), exclusively online.

Under the theme "Hegel and political-religious uses of the Feminine Piety”, the session will have as speakers Pablo Pulgar Moya (Institute of Philosophy, Diego Portales University, Chile), who will address the "Mythical Imagination in Hegel and Warburg" and Marloren Lopes Miranda (CAPES/DAAD/PROBAL, Augustana Hochschule, Neuendettelslau, Ansbach, Deutschland) who will bring us a communication on "Piety as the Ethical Gesinnung of Women in Hegel's Philosophy of Right: Elements for an Interpretation”.

The session will be held in English.
Attendance is free.

More information on the event website.