Interreg Atlantic Space 2021-2027

Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027: European Regional Development Fund was designed by representatives from four countries – Portugal, Spain, France and Ireland. The new Interreg Atlantic Space Program renews its commitment to the Atlantic regions in supporting innovative initiatives that contribute to the growth of this space, solving common challenges across borders through the execution of joint actions, the exchange of good practices and the contribution to new policies or current.

Thematic Priorities

The program supports cooperation within the four thematic priorities and eight specific objectives, based on the results of the territorial analysis:

1. Blue innovation and competitiveness (Smarter Europe)

1.1 Develop and strengthen research and innovation capabilities and the adoption of advanced technologies

1.2 Reap the benefits of digitalization for citizens, businesses, research organizations and public authorities

2. Blue and green environment (Greener Europe)
2.1 Promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
2.2 Promote climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches
2.3 Promote the transition to a circular and resource-efficient economy
2.4 Improve the protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reduce all forms of pollution

3. Sustainable blue tourism and culture (Social Europe)
3.1 Strengthen the role of culture and tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation

4. Better governance for cooperation (Interreg objective)

The Atlantic Regions

The Atlantic Area 2021-2027 covers the western part of the Atlantic Ocean, including all regions of Ireland and Portugal, as well as several nearby or coastal French and Spanish regions. The eligible regions are as follows:

  • Spain: Basque Country; Navarre; La Rioja; Cantabria; Principality of Asturias; Galicia; Andalusia; Canary Islands.
  • France: Brittany; Normandy; New Aquitaine; Pays-de-la-Loire.
  • Ireland: North and West; South; East and Midland.
  • Portugal: North; Algarve; Center; Lisbon; Alentejo; Autonomous Region of the Azores; Autonomous Region of Madeira.