/ Research / Awards and Distinctions


Prémios de Reconhecimento Científico

Aliete Cunha Oliveira

2022: Best Poster International Research. Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, Espanha - 25 março 2022 - Aliete Cunha Oliveira - “Perceptions and attitudes of nursing students about the use of videos as pedagogical resource in the area of preventing sexually transmitted infections”. Autores: Aliete Cunha Oliveira; Eva Menino; Jane Francinente Dantas; Arthur Barbalho & Suelayne Sousa. I International Symposium on Nursing and School Health & the V Spanish National Congress on Nursing and School Health. Online.

Ana Amélia Amorim Carvalho

Best Paper: Trindade, A., Carvalho, A., & Marques, C. (2022). Proposal for a methodological approach to digital innovation in the design and management of sustainable projects, presented at the CAPSI 2022 Conference of the Portuguese Association of Information Systems, 3-5 November, at the University of Santiago in Cape Verde. [a) national, b) Portuguese Association of Information Systems and University of Santiago in Cape Verde]

Cátia Patrícia Nunes Delgado

Prize for Best Paper at the IV Doctoral Exhibition in Education Sciences of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra, on 2 November 2022, with a €400 bonus award. [a) national; b) awarded by an institution]

Frederico Miguel Cruz Dinis

Minho Storytelling Award - Media Arts, Intermunicipal Community of Alto Minho, Intermunicipal Community of Cávado and Intermunicipal Community of Ave [a) international; b) awarded by an institution]

José Carlos Duarte Rodrigues Avelãs Nunes

2022. “Lusitania” Prize in the category History of Portugal, awarded by the Portuguese Academy of History. a) national; b) awarded by the Portuguese Academy of History.

Maria Helena Gomes dos Reis Amaro da Luz

Distinction as 2nd Best Paper – Fonseca, C., Luz, H., & Melo, R. (2022, 04 November). Implementation of the Humanitude Care Methodology in a residential Structure for Elderly People (ERPI): Contribution to the Organisational System. Poster presented at the FPCEUC 42nd Anniversary Commemorations – Master's in Social Work Poster Exhibition – Coimbra, FPCEUC, Portugal. a) national, b) awarded by an external jury. Distinction as 3rd Best Poster - Correia, T., & Luz, H. (2022, 04 November). Organisational resilience strategies for the care of the elderly in a residential setting. Poster presented at the FPCEUC 42nd Anniversary Commemorations – Master's in Social Work Poster Exhibition – Coimbra, FPCEUC, Portugal. a) national, b) awarded by an external jury.

Patrícia de Almeida Monteiro da Silva

2022 - Best Full Paper Award 17th International ISKO Conference (https://www.isko.org/award) - (international, society)

Pedro Jorge Cardoso de Carvalho

Coordinator of the project awarded by the UC in the call for financial support for the promotion of scientific culture. 2022. Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (iiiUC).

Ricardo Costeira da Silva

Ricardo Costeira da Silva, 2022, Winner of the 4th edition of the FLUC/Ensino Prize. a) national; b) awarded by the Faculty of Arts, University of Coimbra.

Romero Manuel Bandeira Gandra

Phoenix of Honour, a national award granted by the Portuguese Firefighters’ Association “for the important contribution and work carried out over many years at the service of the firefighters and the population”

Susana Mendes Costa da Silva

The work “Como Silenciar uma Artista” was selected to feature in the Portuguese State Collection of Contemporary Art.

Victoria Bell

BELL, Victoria, Pharmacist assessment of Polypharmacy and Potentially Inappropriate Medicines in Portuguese older adults: a preliminary study, Poster 1st prize at the 2nd International Congress of Community Pharmacy, Fátima, 12 November 2022, Portuguese College of Community Pharmacy of the Portuguese Pharmacists Association. [a) national; b) awarded by an institution]

BELL, Victoria. Contribution to the understanding of fall risk factors in the elderly living in the community. 1st prize at the 3rd International Congress /12th National Congress of Rehabilitation Nursing, Viseu, 27-28 January 2022, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, School of Health. [a) international; b) awarded by an institution]