General Characteristics

General Characteristics of the Journal, Scientific Arbitration Rules, presentation and publication of originals

  1. The journal Estudos do Século 20th is a journal with a scientific arbitration system, owned by the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies – CEIS20 of the University of Coimbra, funded multi-yearly by the Foundation for Science and Technology. It is published by the University of Coimbra Press.
  2. The magazine's Board of Directors is made up of the director and two secretaries, one of whom is the coordinator of the respective issue. However, an issue of the magazine may eventually have two coordinators.
  3. The journal's Editorial Board is made up of foreign researchers, of recognized merit, who are considered important to guarantee the journal's scientific level, and by the Coordinators of the Research Groups. Members or some members of the Permanent External Scientific Advisory Committee (CEPAC) of CEIS20 may also participate in this Council.
  4. The magazine, essentially thematic, has the primary purpose of publicizing the results of research carried out on the 20th century.
  5. Taking into account the aforementioned purpose, the members of CEIS20 and other researchers of recognized scientific repute will collaborate in the magazine with scientific articles, reviews, news or other types of work, who will be expressly invited, at the proposal of the respective coordinator of the Magazine and by decision of the Editorial Board. There will be a call for paper for collaborations external to CEIS20.
  6. All contributions submitted for consideration will be subject to a peer review process. The final decision on the publication of texts is the responsibility of the coordinator of each issue of the magazine, after considering the opinions of peers (referees). The opinions and the decision made on the works received will be communicated to the respective authors.
  7. Authors will only be allowed to review the first typographic proofs.
  8. The Management and Editor reserve the right to change references, citations, acronyms used in notes and other formal elements, adapting them to the system adopted in the magazine.
  9. For each article, 2 copies of the issue of the magazine in which you contributed will be offered.
  10. The opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors.
  11. The publication of images requires authorization from their holder.