Latest Publications

Performing Arts and Intimacy

With scientific-editorial coordination by CEIS20

22 june, 2023≈ 3 min read


[Updated 10/23/2023]

On October 25th, at 5pm, in the Salão Nobre of Sociedade Martins Sarmento (Guimarães), the book Artes Performativas e Intimidade will be launched resulting from a scientific-editorial partnership celebrated between CEIS20 (U. Coimbra), CEHUM (U. . do Minho) and ICNOVA (U. Nova de Lisboa) with the University of Coimbra Press (IUC). CEIS20's integrated researcher, Fernando Matos de Oliveira, will give a brief presentation of the collection, this being the first volume presented by editors José Eduardo Silva, Filomena Louro, Teresa Mora and Tiago Porteiro (U. Minho). ICNOVA-FCSH will be represented by Miriam Freitas. Professor Alix de Morant, from the University of Montpellier, will also speak on the themes of the edition.

This event is part of the 1st stage (Guimarães) of the International Meeting Acting in life – Acting on the scene – Acting in the World.

The book Artes Performativas e Intimidade (Performing Arts and Intimacy) from the Olhares Collection is now available in open access.

This book has been published by Coimbra University Press, with scientific-editorial coordination by CEIS20 (Group 4 – Artistic Currents and Intellectual Movements: Ana Rito; Fernando Matos Oliveira; José Oliveira Martins; Sérgio Dias Branco) and other national research centres (CEHUM –Research Group in Artistic Studies, ICNOVA – Research Group in Performance and Cognition).

It also features an article co-authored by CEIS20 integrated researcher Susana Mendes Silva (Group 4) and Rogério Nuno Costa, entitled “All alone ain't much fun so you're looking for the thrill”.

Access the book here.
