
22 April, 2024
50th anniversary of April with the exhibition “Dictatorship, Revolution, Democracy”
22 April, 2024
Editorial by Pedro Pousada
22 April, 2024
The project "25 April in 3D: Decolonise, Democratise, Develop" was one of the projects selected for the FCT competition "O 25 April e a democracia portuguesa" (25 April and Portuguese Democracy)
22 April, 2024
On the 50th anniversary of 25 April 1974
17 April, 2024
IX Colloquium on Qualitative Research in Human Motricity
26 March, 2024
March newsletter now available
25 March, 2024
Editorial – by Augusto Aguiar Branco
23 March, 2024
School textbooks: national and international historical perspectives
15 March, 2024
Summer Internship Programmes 2024
01 March, 2024
International Seminar Modes of Production - Performing Arts and the Ecological Transition
27 February, 2024
Editorial – by António Rochette Cordeiro
27 February, 2024
February newsletter now available
26 February, 2024
Interdisciplinarity – a testimony by Ana Leonor Pereira, and a reflective text by João Rui Pita
15 February, 2024
Revista Mediapolis – Olimpismo. Contributos a partir dos estudos sobre media, jornalismo e comunicação
30 January, 2024
The January newsletter is now available
30 January, 2024
Editorial – António Pedro Pita
16 January, 2024
CEIS20 researcher talks about his research
15 January, 2024
CEIS20 researchers publish in Biblos
15 January, 2024
3rd Summer School in Economic and Social History
04 January, 2024
Weaving communities: Paths of the Arts in Social Intervention, Education and Citizenship
03 January, 2024
CEIS20 ‘Fora de Portas’
28 December, 2023
Memories in Motion: History and Trauma in Ibero-American Cinema
22 December, 2023
Happy Holidays!
20 December, 2023
The December newsletter is now available
228 articles found