
José Avelãs Nunes wins the “Lusitania” Prize

Awarded by the Portuguese Academy of History

17 november, 2022≈ 2 min read

The book by José Avelãs Nunes, A arquitectura branca: os sanatórios para a tuberculose em Portugal, published by the Portuguese Society of Pneumology and By the Book, won the 2022 “Lusitania” Prize of the Portuguese Academy of History. The book is an adaptation of the doctoral thesis written at CEIS20, which also won the Victor de Sá Prize for Contemporary History (2018).

Read more about this prize or about the book.

“What do the walls of sanatoriums tell us? What did the doctors, architects and patients of the sanatoriums hear for decades? How did people live for months on end in the hope of a cure? Who were the architects who designed the sanatoriums for the “white plague”? These are some of the questions that this book seeks to answer, lifting the veil on a century of history in Portugal’s quest for health. This work is a comprehensive and illustrated historical journey, focusing on the history of architecture and the history of medicine, with the tuberculosis Sanatorium as the protagonist. It is the result of a PhD thesis which was awarded the Victor de Sá́ Prize for Contemporary History (2018).”
