Call for Papers

Entries in the online dictionary dedicated to the History of Radio in Portugal

The submission of proposals is open until 31 May

20 march, 2022≈ 2 min read


© BiPE

Researcher Sílvio Correia Santos is part of BiPE - Broadcasting in the Portuguese Empire: Nationalism, Colonialism, Identity, of the Centre for Communication and Cultural Studies at the Portuguese Catholic University, a project that has launched a call for entries in the online dictionary dedicated to the history of radio in Portugal.

This bilingual (Portuguese and English) resource, aimed at both the academic community and the non-academic public, aims to make the wide range of information on radio in Portugal more visible and easier to consult.

If you are interested in contributing, please contact the BiPE team at and let them know about the topic you would like to present.

Each entry must be between 300 and 1000 words long. Portuguese entries submitted by the end of May 2022 will be translated as part of the BiPE project.