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Disruption in European Studies and Global South Regionalism also call for more interdisciplinarity

13 october, 2023≈ 2 min read

Article in the Journal of European Contemporary Research co-authored by a CEIS20 researcher, analyses recent research on European Union studies and global south regionalism and concludes that research agendas in this area need to change to increase disciplinary and theoretical diversity. Based on the concept of global polycrisis, the authors conclude that studies of regionalism need to be more empirically sensitive to the context of social reality. The article was written by Dina Sebastião, integrated researcher at CEIS20 (Group 2 Europeanism, Atlanticism and Globalisation) and member of the Centre’s Scientific Coordination, as well as of the Doctorate in Contemporary Studies, and Bruno Theodoro Luciano, researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

The article “Moving from EU-centrisms: Lessons from the Polycrisis for EU studies and Global South Regionalism” is part of a special issue of the leading journal in European Studies, the Journal of Contemporary European Research, published as a result of the Jean Monnet DIMES project – Diversion, Inclusion and Multidisciplinarity in European Studies, of UACES (University Association of Contemporary European Studies).

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