
CEIS20 researcher presents new theory on the identity of the Denisova Man in YouTube documentary

01 june, 2023≈ 2 min read

Integrated researcher João Teixeira (Group 8 – Changing Landscapes. Long term LAB) has carried out various research projects on genetics and human evolution, mainly in the islands of South-East Asia (Indonesia, the Philippines and New Guinea) and Australia. The CEIS20 researcher, who is also affiliated with the Australian National University in Canberra, now presents a new theory about the Denisova Man, based on the latest findings of his research team. This human group was first described on the basis of genetic analysis (ancient DNA) of a 50,000-year-old finger fragment found in Siberia. The fossil identity of this group is one of the great current mysteries of palaeoanthropology, but according to João Teixeira, attention should be focused on the tropical regions of Indonesia, the island of Java.