A Part for the Whole. Report of the Survey – Ecological and Sustainable Practices in the Performing Arts in Portugal

Partnership between CEIS20 and DGArtes

18 december, 2023≈ 2 min read

“A Part for the Whole. Report of the Survey – Ecological and Sustainable Practices in the Performing Arts in Portugal”, a book now published, is one of the products of the institutional partnership between the University of Coimbra, through the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) and the Directorate-General for the Arts (DGARTES).

This exploratory study is based on a wide-ranging survey of the positions, practices and needs of part of the artistic community in Portugal, the (partial) results of which are now shared and analysed. It also includes a critical and contextualising component, even presenting public policy recommendations for integrating environmental sustainability into cultural policies.

The publication is part of a wider research project, which is still ongoing at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Coimbra, and is integrated within the Modes of Production – Performing Arts in Transition platform, funded by the FCT through the GREENARTS exploratory project (PTDC.2022.01609), a project that critically reflects on how the performing arts perceive and act in response to the ecological imperative.

Download and read the full PDF version of the book.